Biri rock formation

Northern Samar has a secret beauty waiting to be explored. One of these is Biri Island found on northwest part of Northern Samar floating on the San Bernardino Strait. Biri is known for its unusual rock formation that would make you feel how awesome the works of God really is.

Admire the clear blue sea as you explore the rocks, climb on its walls, and play like one of the rock creatures.

Going there is easier than you thought. The first access route is by land. Buses and planes are available from Manila to Catarman, Northern Samar's capital (Please check service providers for schedules) . If you are from Cebu you can have a plane ride to Tacloban then van or bus to Catarman. Cebu visitors can also use fast craft to Ormoc then van from Ormoc to Tacloban then Catarman. The trip would be longer but more exciting.

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